Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wienerwald (02.11.08)

which means the Vienna Woods. The terrain spreads along the west and south-west city's border and attracts a lot of people, especially cyclists and hikers.
And it attracted me, as well. My first visit lasted only 4 hours, but it was enough to evoke positive impression.

The autumn has already settled down here. The paths are covered with thick layer of colourful leaves, the trees lose their green shine, fog is hanging above the hills and mud appears under your feet from time to time. Brave cyclists keep on pedalling through the hills and knolls, hikers cover the marked paths. And only the birds' warbling is missing...
But the young scouts are loud enough to notice them. They're not everywhere, but still – they do appear here and there.

We covered a rout around the hill with a viewing tower, through a flat paths of Riegelhuette and towards a mountain Exenberg, where a high radio tower stands. None of the hills was higher than 500 m above the sea level and the climbing wasn't really steep. But the view from the hills over the city was really magnificent.

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