Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day one (08.02.08)

I'm fine and happy. Our French friend picked us up from the airport. After few steps – first shock. Wow. It's so small. The arrival hall, I mean. Then – splash! Hot, dirty air blew in my face. Got into my eyes, mouth and nose. It wasn't easy to breathe.

We got on a taxi and soon arrived in Mahilpapur. That's a district in Delhi, close to the airport. One of the poorest. Our French friend lives here. There's no pavement, only one proper road, the main one. All the people kept staring at us. Watched our every move.

The place where we're staying is quite shabby but nice. Gaetton (our friend) lives with a Dutch guy. There's a cleaning lady, too. Lives about 30 meters from their house. She comes everyday. When she saw us, she took our luggage and carried it into the room. That made me feel awkward.

The boys said she earns about 7 Euro a month. And this is quite a good money. Strange.

Her husband doesn't work, she barely speaks English. Gaetton talks with her in Hindi. I know only several words so it may be difficult to communicate with her.

Finally, we could take a shower. Water is dirty but I don't really care. I heard that a lot of people visiting India use special pills that disinfect water. Well, I took it, too. But I don't feel like using it every time I wash. We'll use it only to brush our teeth. Gaetton says he doesn't care about the water, it never made him feel sick and he's been living here for six months now.

Few minutes ago the cleaning lady prepared a traditional Indian tea for us. Wow, that was sweet. Too sweet. There's more milk than tee in it, but it's quite good.

Soon we're going to the city center. I'm still shivering. And I'm not cold. Maybe I'm too excited. My big dream is coming true...

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